Participate in Maunula House activities

You are warmly welcome to join us in planning Maunula House activities. Our goal is to make Maunula House a shared venue for the local area, where city residents can enjoy entertainment they themselves have requested. All events hosted by Maunula House and planned together are open to the public, free of charge and without age limits.
Planning joint activities
Share your ideas, participate in workshops, and vote for your favourites
Every year, we collect event ideas and requests from city residents using an online form and also at the Maunula Library. In the autumn, we will work on these ideas in workshops open to all and turn them into approximately ten event proposals. During the voting stage, city residents get the chance to vote for their favourite events and express additional requests.
Join the Open Forum
As the name suggests, the Open Forum provides a venue for discussion between local residents and Maunula House staff. As a rule, the Open Forum is held twice a year, in the spring and in the autumn.
In the spring Open Forum, we will develop Maunula House’s plan of operation, discuss feedback and reflect on development proposals submitted by the local residents. At our autumn gathering, we will take a look at the past year and let the residents know how their requests for operations have been fulfilled. We will also decide which events and development proposals will proceed to be implemented and select the new resident representatives for the Maunula House Advisory Board.
Apply to become a resident representative on the Advisory Board
The Maunula House Advisory Board is a group that is responsible for creating the joint guidelines for the house and implementing planned activities. In addition to a group of resident representatives, the Advisory Board includes supervisors from the library, youth services, cultural services and the adult education centre, and at least one employee from each service.
The resident representatives participate in Advisory Board meetings and plan Maunula House events that are communal and meet the requests of local residents. The practical work takes place in the various work groups of the Advisory Board, including the management team, the event and communication group and the participatory group.
Apply by contacting the designer teacher at the Adult Education Centre.
Maunula House Advisory Board 2024
Adult Education Centre
Emmi Komlosi, Head of Education
Ida Backer, Designer Teacher
Cultural services
Ia Pellinen, Director
Henrietta Ikonen, Cultural Producer
Youth services
Heidi Hirvonen, Executive Director
Rita Tuohimaa, Cultural Youth Work
Lasse Pekkarinen, Library Director
Johanna Laaksonen, Special Librarian
2024 Resident Representatives
Terhi Ainiala
Vappu Turunen
Mikko Heikkonen
Jari Heikkinen
Jari Halenius
Jukka Pirttioja
Marjo Ventola
Tiina-Maria Lindfors-Sylberg
Sarka Hantula
Sari Niemi
The Maunula House operating model provides the basis for Maunula House’s participatory activities and values, which include joy, openness, equality, democracy and participation. By actively sharing our experiences, knowledge and skills, we aim to support the well-being, lifelong learning and active citizenship of all city residents.
Resident participation has been part of Maunula House’s operating methods since its foundation. The current Maunula House operating model (pdf, in Finnish) was first introduced in spring 2021.